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Friday, November 28, 2008

Making time for a workout at Stroller Strides

I have read several posts around the blogisphere lately that recommend different postpartum workouts for moms without much time. Ha! What mom has any time? I certainly don't and it's even worse with a new baby I know. There's nothing like trying to fit in a workout and a shower in between feedings right?

But instead of trying to find the quickest way to sweat a little I would encourage new moms to MAKE time for a workout. Of course I recommend Stroller Strides. The hour you spend at a class has far more benefits than just causing you to sweat. The social interaction with other adults is good for the soul. To laugh and joke and sing silly songs with other moms who are in your same boat will make all the difference in your day.

The quality focused time you get to spend with your child is priceless, especially when you return home to a sea of laundry, mountain of bills and jungle of groceries. There is nothing like spending set time eye to eye with the little miracle who is your child.

The friendships that your child will make may last a lifetime. To instill the values of health, fun and friendship from the very beginning of their life is invaluable and the memories will last forever.

I have heard some great instructors say that you give your family 23 hours of your day. Why not take just one hour to focus on you. I agree. Get rejuvenated, strong and healthy so that those other hours really count.

Childhood is fast and fleeting. If you want to make the most of it not only for your child but also for yourself then set aside time each week to focus on being your best. Find some other moms to make the journey fun and get STRIDING!

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