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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Little Black Dress Club

The holidays are just around the corner. Before you know it the invitations will start arriving for parties and dinners. Are you ready to don your Little Black Dress?

To be totally prepared this year at Stroller Strides we're starting up the Little Black Dress Club. This club will be active from now until the end of the year. All you have to do is set your goal and participate in the club events.

Goal: Your goal can be anything you want it to be. Ideally it would be a dress, picture of a dress or size you want to fit into. But there are no limits so strive away!

Club: For the month of October I will be offering an Ab Intensive. We will have our regular class but at the end we will do stretching then abs for an additional 15 minutes. You are free to leave at anytime but if you really want to work your core then you won't want to miss this extra time.

Wall sit / Plank Challenge: During October I will be hosting a wall sit or plank challenge. Pick your nemesis and conquer it. We will take 5 minutes at each class to work on your choice. The goal is to be able to do one of these for 5 minutes without resting. Push yourself and join in the fun!

I will also keep offering our Butte Climb class. However, so that I can spend some quality time with my kids I am moving the class to Friday's at 10 am (see NOTE for exceptions.) This will be weather permitting.
NOTE: We will walk the butte at 10 am on Friday, Oct. 3, 10, 17 & 31. We will also walk on Tuesday, Oct. 21 and NOT on Friday, Oct. 24 because I have a prior commitment that day.

Don't miss this opportunity to shine this holiday season. You can do this!

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