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Sunday, June 22, 2008

New Moms Rock at Stroller Strides!

I met a great group of new moms last week during our FREE Preview Week. It was such an honor to work out with them. They were so understanding of my "condition". Namely, my sprained ankle. There's really no good story other than I stepped on a baked potato sized rock in my own driveway, turned my ankle, heard that wonderful "POP" and went down. Ugh! Just a really bad sprain but I only learned that after I passed out 3 times and took a little trip to ER. Super.

But enough about me, the moms that came to class last week were really fantastic. They worked hard, enjoyed being outside, had beautiful children and got a taste of what Stroller Strides is all about. It was very fun to share the experience with them.

I loved meeting them all and I look forward to working out with them even more!

Stride On!


Anonymous said...

Your blog has given me some great ideas! I was just writing and writing and just hoping that someone would notice. Thanks so much for commenting. Katie Caplenor of Nashville TN

apple blossom said...


I was the winner of your hammer contest back before father's day. I have e-mailed you several times concerning this and just wondering if you are receiving my e-mails or if they are lost in cyberspace as I haven't received any confrontation concerning my order and all. Just wondering about this you can e-mail me if you wish.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot]com