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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Stroller Strides fits the bill for women's health

The most recent issue of HEALTH magazine offers an article by Lambeth Hochwald that states that walking boosts your mood, improves your memory, lowers your risk of disease and helps you to stay fit.

Well of course it does. We all know that walking is an important link to better health. So why don't we do it more often. How hard can it be?

Well, if you have little ones, then you know the struggles we face, as moms, to get out the door to go walking. Here are a few of the challenges:
  • loading the stroller (how does this thing fold up again?)
  • kids dressed
  • toys
  • snacks
  • drinks
  • dry pants
  • shoes (I know I have some tennis shoes somewhere under this pile of flip flops)
  • shorts that fit (yeah right!)
  • t-shirt (can I borrow one from my husband?)
  • jacket / sweatshirt (the throw-up stain isn't that noticeable is it?)
  • car keys / house keys
And that's just the list to get out the door; Let alone take the walk, keep the little one(s) happy, break a sweat and avoid getting lost in your own neighborhood because you have mommy brain.

But the fact of the matter is that walking does help and it has wonderful side effects. According to Hochwald's article, walking is "great for the heart, cut's breast cancer risks, helps you sleep, cuts down on aches and pains, makes you happy, keeps you slimmer, staves off senior / mommy moments & protects your bones." With benefits like this it would be crazy not to walk a little more each week.

Stroller Strides fits this bill perfectly. All you have to do show up. Let us take care of the rest. As you walk your way to better health we entertain your little one(s), never notice your stained sweatshirt, keep you from getting lost, support you with conversation, laughter and multiple shoulders to cry on, instruct you on great exercises to get you back into your skinny jeans / shorts and most importantly walk with you!

We're here for YOU and want to see you succeed as a mom and as a woman. We value your health and we want to help you be as fit and healthy as possible. So don't wait another day to start walking. If you can get to the park, we'll help you do the rest, and can guarantee you'll want to be with us everyday.

See you there!

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