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Sunday, December 30, 2007

Healthy Mama 2008

Every year I'm one who talks about all the great changes I'm going to make in my life - especially in the area of weight, health, and fitness. I've tried writing them down, starting them before the New Year starts, starting on a Tuesday, telling my friends, not telling my friends, plastering them around my house. You get the picture.

But this year I've decided that I'm already on the right track. I had my second baby in March of '07 and went looking for a fitness program I could do with a new baby and an 18 month old. I stumbled across Stroller Strides on the internet and found out there were no classes in my area. As I continued to search around the website I found out I could own a Stroller Strides business and bring this great idea to my town. All without having to reinvent the wheel.

I jumped at the chance and by August I was in San Diego for training and by September I was holding classes right here in Bend.

It's hard to describe how fun it has been to start my own business. It's been a rush of emotion and a lot of work, but after searching for years for something I could do from home, I found what I was looking for.

I'm excited about 2008. I'm excited that I don't have to make promises to myself that I can't keep. I'm already on the track to better health. I have new goals to reach for and exciting things ahead of me.

It's not always easy balancing a home and a business, but the rewards far outweigh the difficulties and I always like a new challenge.

So, come on 2008 - bring it on!

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